今日は 栗山 千明 日である!

Ore : 6:57 AM

That's right folks: I hereby proclaim today, Friday, April 15th 2005 to be Chiaki Kuriyama Day! Go forth and observe this auspicious holiday in an honorable, kick-ass manner, ideally by catching Battle Royale or The Sixth Sayoko (六番目の小夜子). Or, yes, Kill Bill Vol. 1.


(Thanks to Chiaki Fandom for pic).

posted by teh l4m3 at 6:57 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for 今日は 栗山 千明 日である!
I celebrateth with you..besides that today seems like a Battle Royale kind of day..*out of the the dvd player with beaches and in with some potent Japanese flicks*
Whilst on that tip i think kagemushi is one of Kurosawa's hottest flicks to date..check it out.
Hope you are well.

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