"So many kinds, where can we start?"

Ore : 12:18 AM

We like the cars,
the cars that go BOOM!
We’re Tiegra and Bunny...
and we like the BOOM!

(Car pr0n courtesy of www.capriclubscotland.co.uk, www.kuehneonline.de)

posted by teh l4m3 at 12:18 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for "So many kinds, where can we start?"
I think the first one is my favorite.

See, I saved the '67 Cobra for last 'cos that's my fave. Altho' I would have preferred it in blood red with black accents.

But the mustang's pretty too...

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Strictly speaking, the '67 Cobra is a Mustang, but a very very special kind of Mustang.

But a very sexy lineup to say the least.

Well du-u-uh. But you knew what I meant ;)

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