Saturday Randomosity
* That fucking Dockers commercial. Sorry, but if you know the F Market line, you know damn well that no hook-up is sweet enough to hop off and wait 42 goddamn minutes for the next one.* 'Fess up. At a friend's house a few years back. After a particularly informative episode of National Geographic, "V." asks "D.", "What's a 'chigger'?" "D." answers, "Rae Dawn Chong." I still feel bad about laughing at that one.* Kim DuToit has a very tiny penis that performs inadequately. Okay, so we don't have Mssr. DuToit to kick around anymore. In his stead, why not enjoy a large bowl of snap, crackle -- oh no! Look out for that tree!!!*
I'll have a Hot Karl with pickles, please.* These kind of things happen. Maybe illegal, maybe not, but definitely ugly. Probably reason #4,982 why you don't go to war unless absolutely necessary.
Ooh, damn! He done quit! Mebbe he ran off to be a white militia survivalist type person in Idaho or somesuchwhere...
That is some chocolate milk mustache
(also, that word verification thing is tedious, just saying)
blogrolled. I think it's my frist. ;)
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