Sinking Feeling...

Ore : 10:52 AM

Crap. I just got a call from the grandmother of a young woman (soon-to-be 16), a prospective volunteer who is going to help me do story times for the little kids. Apparently, my young volunteer - let's call her "Emma" -- didn't come home on Wednesday. The last I saw her was Tuesday. I hope she's all right. More as this develops.

Here are some vintage PlanetOut videos to raise your spirits. That place used to be so much fun before the merger...

The queens who did these are comedic geniuses. I hope I see them again someday.

posted by teh l4m3 at 10:52 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for Sinking Feeling...
I'd love to comment 11 year old is around and I cant hit play. Plus we have a long night of geometry. And the Mavericks game is on and it's the Lakers and Mav's...he may not pass this geometry test...we're watching the game together though.

Oh don't worry those vids are totally SFW, and probably kids, too. But yes, you should do your homework!

elmo, I too assumed the worst when I saw the source. But you should still do the homework.

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