
Ore : 2:39 PM

Crap, this sucks. I hate the fact that I just saw something stupid on Atrios, a blog I adore:

But there are good reasons people don't like buses, though some of them can be improved upon. Buses are generally slower and less predictable. The rides are bumpier and less pleasant. The routes aren't as fixed, and people are less sure where they go.

The bold part of the quote is just the weirdest thing I've ever read. Actually, bus routes are almost just as fixed as rail routes -- the only time those few bus lines in San Francisco that aren't on fixed cables do deviate from their routes, they do so by a couple of blocks, in an instance when they're running without passengers anyway.

What an odd post for Duncan...

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posted by teh l4m3 at 2:39 PM | Permalink |

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Comments for Ruh-roh
I saw this the other day, and blinked. I think he meant some other word, like schedule, rather than route.
  • Posted at 7:59 PM | By Anonymous Anonymous

You should have dropped a steamer on Matty Y's complete ignorance of anything related to the reality of bus riding (which is what elicited Atrios' post).

AG is in San Fran this weekend. Drop AG an e-mail if you want to meet up. adorablegirlfriend at yahoo dot com.

Weird. Any bus route I ever encountered was fixed.

I would ride any bus where the driver would just go wherever.

Bubba, I would have agreed with you before I moved into my neighborhood. We have one bus route and on the weekends, only one bus in three even shows up at all. One bus driver told me that drivers have been known to pull over in downtown and doze off because there are so few people walking around certain areas of DC on the weekend. This does not help.

Of course, DC could also use express trains on the Metro but the infrastructure doesn't exist as far as I know. Every train must stroll through every station. Sigh.

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