Before Diamonds And Pearls
There was Apollonia.
I'm lazy today, as you can tell. I've got a bitch of a day tomorrow.Here's an activity kids: want to stalk each other on Friendster and/or MySpace? Leave a link in the comments or email me.OK. The real reason for the lackluster posting? I have apile of pork ribs (damn good -- nay, succulent -- pork ribs), therefore can communicate with only one hand. Ah well...And remember, Apollonia watches over all her chillun. G'night.
They were broad, full of fat, yet the meat on them was not too fatty. They had been poorly butchered, but from a high-quality carcass. Lovingly, I massaged my secret sauce into their supple flesh, and slowly placed the rack on the grill...
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i just saw "purple rain" again whilst on me honeymoon, after many years. i can say without hesitation that i feel utterly pubescent when i see appalonia purify herself in the waters of lake minnetonka...only for it not to be lake minnetonka! that wacky prince - he knows all the tricks!
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