
Ore : 3:29 PM

Princess Sparklepony

Sparky Malarky
Sparky McBarksalot


Sparkle Motion

Dark Sparkle

My favorite little shitburglar.

posted by teh l4m3 at 3:29 PM | Permalink |

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Comments for Sparky
odd looking cat

That's one adorable pup, and I can relate to the many nicknames. We have three dogs and each one has lots of nicknames.

Her other nickname (just reminded of it this morning): Harriet Houdini. For obvious reasons...Little monster...

what is it about animals that make you start acting like a grandparent around kids in diapers? i've got a cat called isabella that responds to about 10 nicknames, which i inevitably call out in degrees of baby talk varying from subtle to over the top.

I like this petit chien.

This is nice dog. nice doggy. fetch marijuana for daddy. you get scooby snack.

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