What I Am Grateful For

Ore : 11:26 AM

* Life and health.
* My family and friends.
* All my goofy interweb homies.
* Panda-brand black licorice.
* Dan Simmons.
* The Star-Spangled Banner (oodles better than God Bless America, IMHO).
* Massive, uncircumsized penises.
* Henry Weinhardt's Black Cherry Creme Soda.
* Julianne Moore.
* Cold venison.
* Chris Walla.
* Hello Panda.
* That Pinochet's meeting sweet, sweet
* Most of all, I am grateful that this, too, shall pass.

posted by teh l4m3 at 11:26 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for What I Am Grateful For
julianne moore...YES! DEAR GOD, YES!

we love you, teh!

happy usa thanksgiving

Like there's truly anythng to be thankful for................

I am most grateful for my Wonder Woman Underoos and that Bush cannot be relected in 2008.

AG: Hear, hear.

Martini: Such negativity...*tsk*tsk*


Ah, thanks, my Kafkaesque little friend.

Yes, I am also grateful for Jim Thome's MAGNIFICENT BULGING PACKAGE!

I forgot to add in my "thankful" post that I'm thankful for Sufjan Stevens and all the other indie hotties out there, as well . . .

Ah, VV, I got Walla, and was hoping you would catch Sufjan...

I forgot one more thing I am grateful for:

being able to achieve multiples.

Oh my! Did I type that?!

I heart big boy packages, but I like my cut down at eight days.

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