I Have A Date
I need a real man who won't deny my baby
That's why they call me stallion!
Suddenly I'm reminded of Chef from
South Park singing "Simultaneous Lovin' Baby."
He does have some "soul-glow" going on. Pressed & permed- soft yet firm- Big dick daddy from Cincinatti
I thought we agreed that you could take the picture but *NOT* share it.
I'm upset with you.
ooh, mr, I'd give him up for you in a second, bay-bee.
george: don't worry: it can only raise up your cred.
"It's you
and me
and her
Si-mul-ta-ne-ous lovin' baby!"I drank red wine tonight. My toothpaste spit was black.
is that his real hair? i'm serious.
I'd ask you where you found this picture, but a part of me is not sure it ever wants to know where such jpgs are siloed . . .
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