What, You Were Expecting A Mea Culpa?

Ore : 2:25 PM

Yeah, uh-huh, whatever George.

I guess deploying mercenaries to valiantly defend rich people's things wasn't right-wing enough.

posted by teh l4m3 at 2:25 PM | Permalink |

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Comments for What, You Were Expecting A Mea Culpa?
I summarily dispense of your whatever!

No, no, no, see -- you have to shrug your shoulders quickly and defensively, while smirking and chuckling, "Heh, heh, heh."

I say we just burn rich people's crap and call it a day. Done. Finished.

Everyone have a donut.

My shoulders shrug with enormous rapidity.

I've nothing to hide, fucker!

I smirk thee with "jej, jej, jej."

(I laugh in Spanish)

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