Word To The Illest, Fattest ROBOT EVAR!!1!
I loved the TV Funhouse on SNL where they tried using aversion therapy to get MJ off of boys... He would barf into buckets that they'd hold up for him.
I really enjoy your blog, and I would tend to agree with your opinions. I plan on linking you and would appreciate if you would return the favor. :-)
The worst tattoo on the link fatrobot gave was the naked Indian chick doing a pole dance on a giant corny dog. It was on some dudes calf.
What´s happening to all the American icons? Whitney GONE! Mel whatthehell Gibson a religious drunk! Tom Cruise STILL IN THE CLOSET!
Oh dear. Your poor country´s in tatters.
thanks holmes !
greatly honoured
That corn dog picture was hot!
Man, you said that like a Messican. But I'll let it pass. I'm like that.
I'll speak about that, as well as the afore mentioned 'tatters' in the next post...
Siddhartha? That's too much for a girl in this heat.
I posted a Retro HNT for all your gay friends.
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