Another Nail In The Kaffiyeh

Ore : 1:26 PM

Score one to Michelle Malkin. Not because that nasty little clam actually made any sort of substantive point -- when has she ever? -- but because she and her mouth-breathing no-necks have once again successfully muddied the waters to the point where the following is the narrative many media outlets have chosen to take on the issue:

Rachael Ray's controversial... scarf?
We never thought scarves could be "controversial," but then again, we've never had our neckwear critiqued by millions of people. Rachael Ray wore a fringed scarf for a recent Dunkin Donuts ad, and a blogger pointed out that scarf was similar to "the type typically worn by Muslim extremists." Others voiced their opinions and pretty soon, Dunkin Donuts pulled the ad. The New York Times recaps this textbook example of the Web's massive influence.
Now, I'm the first one to applaud any instance of snatching Rachael Ray's dead-clown face off the screen, but really... This is like siccing Ferdinand Marcos on that fat old John Bircher down the block.

Also, bonus to Malkin for getting the
New York Times to notice her for raising the profile of blogs even as her idiocy continues to deeply undermine their usefulness.

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posted by teh l4m3 at 1:26 PM | Permalink |

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Comments for Another Nail In The Kaffiyeh
This gets pulled, but Ford continues to shun the non Christians.

What is the world coming to?!!

and her schtick is supposed to eclispse the msm how, exactly?

i'm here and yer gonna have to deal with my scarf.

AG, local versus national. I find Rachel Ray to be rather irritating but I have to admit that my opinion of her would improve if she were actually supporting any fringe group. Even a fringe group that was strictly working on usurping the vast, worldwide knitting conspiracy.

As it is, this "controversy" is so fucking fake.

recaps this textbook example of the Web's massive influence.

If by massive they mean 10 chubby social phobics masturbating to Malkin pictures in their basements...

via thomas frank's new book: malkin "looks like a bratz doll but has the soul of chucky."

I thought her scarf was... yummers.



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