Doctors enabling torture: Wow, I really don't know what to say to this. There were reports of this happening at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere, but which were quickly swept under the Laci/Jacko/Prof. Churchill rug by our Holy Corporate Media. But now, it looks like the scandal has renewed currency (via the Toronto Star):
Medical records compiled by doctors caring for prisoners at the U.S. detention camp at Guantanamo Bay are being tapped to design more effective interrogation techniques, says an explosive new report.
I'm going to avoid invoking Godwin's Law, and just let y'all chew on the examples of, say, Chile or Mau Mau Prison.
If the American Medical Association had even an iota of sac, they'd convene especially for the purpose of condemning doctors who enable torture or who follow any orders that require them to ignore their Hippocratic Oath. Any health care professional complicit in this kind of behavior needs to have his or her medical license revoked.
Hey, check that out! There's an AMA link up there. Well I'll be. Why don't you write them, like I did?