Hey, Guess What Guys
Ore : 2:38 PM
Ore : 2:38 PM
I've decided I'm going conservative. Why? Because it turns out, all that stuff about murders of detainees and white phosphorous and even Iraqi civilian casualties was completely fabricated. How do I know all this? Because Jim Massey, the entire mind, heart and soul of the anti-war movement -- indeed, of the Left itself! -- has been soundly debunked, that's why!
From now on, I'm all for privitization of every single thing in the world and unlimited powers for any Republican or conservative-aligned official, and, by the way, Cheney should be able to do whatever the hell he wants, 'cos it's not like the U.S. government would torture anyone anyway. I mean, when Michelle's right, she's right!
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Comments for Hey, Guess What Guys
Please post something else to bump her picture down. Just looking at her nauseates me.
- Posted at 5:45 AM | By Smartypants
I just love how these fuckers long for an America of the past that never existed.
They just don't understand the nature of our constitution or the foundations of our society.
In other news: I am so down for an Italian Beef run around New Year's. I will likely be in SF then.
They just don't understand the nature of our constitution or the foundations of our society.
In other news: I am so down for an Italian Beef run around New Year's. I will likely be in SF then.
if anyone's around, i'm spinning at sublounge in the mission this saturday night.
- Posted at 1:12 PM | By pop renaissance
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