Hey Lady!

Ore : 10:14 PM

Like, that leotard is all hella hot, you know? No, really, I mean it! With that on no one would ever suspect you of being one of Ripley's aliens plugged into a Juice Newton wig.

Anyway, tho, it's like this: You know how you want to be all "I'm against godlessness, grrr"? Which is great. But you know what? It might help, you know, artistically and promotionally if you refrain from juxtaposing your image with the word "Godless" in BIG ASS RED LETTERS.

Just sayin'.

(Apologies to the sexy, muscular gentlemens of apartment

posted by teh l4m3 at 10:14 PM | Permalink |

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Comments for Hey Lady!
I was trying not to, but I had to chime in, after reading her new post.

I hope she got a frontal wedgie wearing that thing.

I didn't know that hookers promoted G-d, while stomping on Dems these days.

Those Republicans and LDS have become quite progressive.
  • Posted at 9:07 AM | By Anonymous Anonymous

Playin' with the Queen of Hearts
Knowin' it ain't really smart
The joker ain't the only fool
Who'll do anything for you

MR's flirting with teh teh again!
  • Posted at 4:23 PM | By Anonymous Anonymous

No, really, I mean it! With that on no one would ever suspect you of being one of Ripley's aliens plugged into a Juice Newton wig.

Oh jeebus teh. You just made me snot with that.


teh, teh...are you OK? You used to post everday and comment every day. Evah since that birthday of yours, AG isn't feeling the teh teh love.

Have you been bitten by the smitten kitten?! That's when UC's posting went to hell.

Your about as bitter as I am.

Whenever a new Coulter screed comes out, I like to celebrate by re-reading this classic.

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