Saddam is dead! Long live Muqtada!
Whew. Thank goodness that's over. It was so wonderful to wake up and turn on the news, and see that Iraq had become a paradise overnight!
Now, multiple choice question:
Who will be the next to swing?
A. Hugo Chavez
B. Kim Jong Il
C. Pat Robertson
D. Islom Karimov
E. Neil Bush
F. You
PS I hope you sent Rummy a condolences card...
Ah, old friend! So sad!
G. Mahmoud Ahmadenijad
At least now that Saddam is dead, the people of Iraq will be greeting our soldiers with hugs and flowers instead of bullets.
I heart that photo.
Castro's time has to be up, if this is a dead pool.
nobody's gonna hang for Darfur, that's for sure
If I supported the death penalty, I'd vote Chavez, while secretly hoping for Robinson. Such is life. Nice to see you stopped by my site. Hope to see you again soon. Happy New Year!
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