Category 7, Bitches: The Ultimate Prime-Time Shitstorm!
A fearsome, storm-riding Randy Quaid. A no-name professor who looks about 10 years older than his Hooters-ready, pleather-skinned daughter. A barely rehydrated Tom Skerritt. Swoozie Kurtz giving James Brolin a pious rub-down. Shannen Doherty as (shock!) a barmaid. A rain of poisonous frogs on the buffet that makes broad-bosomed society dames die foaming at the mouth. And best of all? The scarifyin' Gina Gershon as head of FEMA (also, by the way, with a son who must have squirmed out of her uterus when she was in junior high).
It goes without saying that this is an improvement over Brownie...All it needs is Powers Boothe as a South American pimp-cum-clown college instructor.(All this only because Gregor and PupH asked for it.)
shannon doherty knows kung fu
Correction: she knows skeez-fu. Which, by the way, is no match for Gina's deadly Furry Clam Style.
I would have gone with "category 13" for the title...just to add a little more cheese.
Yes. If anything, the worst flaw of this movie is that it didn't go far enough over the top. If you can't get Shelly Winters, you really have to work it to make a sweeping disaster film sing!
that pic is alarming in its utter lack of nipple.
I'd watch it. I'd hate it, but I'd watch it.
Oh, dude, I just laughed so hard at that Powers Boothe page that I damn near pissed myself.
My wife showed our newborn baby the picture, and the wee one promptly shat her diaper (explosively).
After she's over her heart attack, Shelley Winters is going to eat Shannen Doherty as a snack.
Oh, pepper, I give Miz Winters more credit than that...At least, in the hygeine department.
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