Tuesday Plongeur Blogging
He is a mite front-heavy, isn't he?
Another reason to love Quebec!
Somehow I doubt I'll ever have a boyfriend that looks like that.
tbl: ;)~
butchie: you're one to talk!
anon: same here...
that sounds french. better hide him in case val comes around and pops an aneurysm
Not that I am at all insecure about my ENORMOUS WANG, bbut that bulge is looking suspiciously uniform to be natural.
I look at it and it says to me, "Chuckles, I am (WHATEVER THE FRENCHY'S NAME IS)'s wang and I am in awe of your wang and have thus chosen to augment myself with my owner's diving cap."
teh, you and I don't have the same taste in men.
Great thighs, nice arms, adequate bulge,
pathetic chest.
Not to rub salt in your wounds, but I am not an olympian or even an athletician (I don't even register as a mathlete) but I have a better chest than this wimpy mofo.
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