Happy New Year's Eve

Ore : 9:30 AM

I'm hunkering down with this one. Amid computer problems and busyness at work and just a general takin care of business, I've also decided to build an enormous boat and gather two of every animal.

For now, here are some of my resolutions (I do very well with these):

*Get a driver's license
*Promote the hell out of my library branch
*Travel more
*Get more schoolin'
*Do more baking (get your mind out of the pipe, Pop)
*Start Mandarin classes
*Make my garden grow
*Improve my marksmanship
*Kill that fucking dog if it ever comes on my property again (it's killed several of my and the neighbors' cats, so no "aww, the puppy!" shit please)
*Stop getting into fights
*Finish my novel
*Deliver Henry Kissinger to the Hague
*Discover a cure for Republicanism/ wingnutism/ conservatarianism/ "libertarianism"/ objectivism/ royalism/ sociopathy/ whatever
*Win the lottery
*Beef up my karaoke skillz

Some of these are definitely outliers, but what the hay? Let's shoot for the stars, man.

posted by teh l4m3 at 9:30 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for Happy New Year's Eve
Okay, so I'm reminding you: what's the story?

Improve my marksmanship

Concentrate on proper breathing and trigger squeeze...the rest will come natural.

Stop getting into fights

Why take all the fun out of life? There are a lot more wingnuts out there!

I used to speak Mandarin Chinese...not.


Happy New Year!

I don't make resolutions but I'd like to do more volunteering this year.

PP: "The librarian replied that they never overrode the filter. I know it is a library's perogative to have wht they wish in their collections, but I was kind of pissed."

No, that was some majorly inbred right-wing stupid-ass hick shit. Yes, we have the same filters, for community standards, but if someone is 18 or over, then we lift the filters -- that simple. Now, I've refused to allow patrons to view adult material when minors are present, but that's different... Yes, that was stupid, and you were right to be pissed. She had no reason not to remove those filters, except for sheer perversion and laziness (removing them is a bit of a chore...)

Elmo: "Concentrate on proper breathing and trigger squeeze"

Yes, a lot like archery in that way. Which is fine (I'm a master archer). It's just that residual squeamishness that I, twenty years after first having picked up a gun, still have -- that gun-shy, anticipatory jerkiness...But I'm working in it (much easier with rifles than pistols.)

Bukakke is kind of like drinking human blood, but with one crucial, misogynistic difference.

Oh my god teh! Are you a librarian?!? I may have to totally rethink my adolescent sexual orientation decisions!

How do you look in granny glasses and a short skirt?

Happy New Year!
  • Posted at 1:50 AM | By Anonymous Anonymous

It's not that misogynistic if the soggy biscuit is a guy...

Is it androgynistic?

I think I am missing somethign here.

You bring up a good point, teh. In that case, I guess, it's agynistic. Or Hyperandristic?

Anyway, happy new year!

Chuckles, yes, you are missing something. And be glad of it.

Auguste: Hyperandrophilic? Hmmm...I'm at a loss. I could probably think more clearly without all this spooge in my eye...

Has anyone seen Pat lately?


PP: Same is true for the library I am on the board for. We lift the filter and don't bother. It is however up to the board to determine Internet policies. They should clearly be posted and represent the local communties' standards and beliefs.

Hey teh, how do you handle the Patriot Act requirement that you track patron usage?

AG: Our current circulation db doesn't scrubs records of those things...what, we were supposed to keep track? [looks innocent] Oh, darn.

Rebels. NY State is tough on us. We are also exclusively tax funded and must follow the law. We get around it by recording patrons loans for no more than two weeks. There is no time requirements.

Stupid Patriot Act! Like the terrorists are going to get a book like Terrorism for Dummies.

I'd be curious if you know what others do.

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