Yes, It Is April 4th

Ore : 7:45 AM

1929 - 1968,
but his memory is immortal

The Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute
The King Center
Nobel Site

You know, I wanted this post to be simple and elegant and tasteful, but I have to fucking ask: Why the hell does Stormfront own (no link folks -- it's ugly), and just as important, why the hell does google put it up near the top on their search? I mean, WTF people???

posted by teh l4m3 at 7:45 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for Yes, It Is April 4th
Nearly 40 years. Amazing. Let's not ever forget.

Well, I am a total choad. I forgot. wont come up for me at work...I'm glad though, I'm still recovering from the funk and don't need to see what I think is there.

Jake Blues said it best, "I hate Illinois Nazis."

Nice remembrance.

At 1:44 PM, Elmo said... wont come up for me at work...

Are you serious? That's awful...

The real question here is how long before Tom DeLay invokes King's assassination as a parallel to his own political demise?

Actually, I think the religious right is already likening it to a crucifixion, so maybe they're aiming a little bit higher.

Maybe MLK would have done eveyone a bigger favour by telling them that dreams never come true.

TBL, that's bullshit, buddy. I just got promoted to assistant shift team leader at Hardees.

(Sorry if any of you actually work at a Hardees. Really, really sorry.)

we can only make dreams come true if we work together for them...

at least tom delay had the good sense to quit at the right time
  • Posted at 5:43 AM | By Anonymous Anonymous

We don't even have a MLK in Canada. :(

smarty: word

chuckles: you are a choad for many reasons. this is why we lurve you.

and please try not to give stormfront any more traffic in the future...

elmo: you ain't missin out.

brando: don't forget those in Idaho.

jess: thanks!

madame: sarcasm becomes you. really.

otto: I wonder how many of his campaign donors are going to squeal because he's using their money for a legal defense fund now.

tbl: harsh! ask madamerouge for some pills.

butchie: see how far not huffing krylon gets you!

aif: so true.

jimmy: mebbe Canadia was lucky in that they didn't need an MLK as badly...

but really, MLK is not just for America, but for the world.

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