In The Medieval Stylee

Ore : 10:49 AM

"The difference is, the other King George was more civilized..."

Inside the tent, they jocularly singe each other for a failure to govern and an unwillingness to face accountability. Oh, and rib Cheney for almost killing a guy.

Outside, we take the blame for their failures, and listen to the
last words of those Cheney helped really kill.

At least Bush didn't make another "
where them WMDs at, anyway?" joke.

(This lazy, bitter post dedicated to
Clif. Thank you, Clif!)

posted by teh l4m3 at 10:49 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for In The Medieval Stylee
I knew the real tent wasn't very big.

Yeah. It's also hella medieval.

Bush says: "Good Lord, you'd thought he shot somebody or something."

uh, yaah. I do think Cheney shot someone.

Why don't they just give up and tell racist jokes? Or better yet, just go back to polish invention jokes.

Lynne, I think you're doing a heck of a job.

WTF is with this idiot??

wtlraau: what the reporters did with all the 'singed' flesh

Why don't Canadians ever make fun of Canadian politicians?

It seems to me that Bush/Cheney is a pretty easy target.

I am surprised there wasn't a joke about Bush or Cheney fueling their cars with blood at battalion aid stations or field hospitals in Iraq.

I expect Bush et al. to be jerks, but the sad spectacle at the Gridiron is the press corps of the So-Called Liberal Media with their lips planted firmly on the backends of BushCheney Co.

And thinks for dedicating the post to me, teh. Now maybe one day I might even get a Koufax nomination like those un-deserving wankers at 3Bulls did. :)
  • Posted at 8:36 AM | By Anonymous Anonymous

No kidding, Clif. At least you know how to spell.

Why don't Canadians ever make fun of Canadian politicians?

It's Canada. It's Michigan without culture. They are too busy freezing their balls off watching hockey and drinking Molson's. They got no time for politics. They got sew up their flannel and get ready for Canada Day in July.
  • Posted at 9:51 AM | By Anonymous Anonymous

AG that's not true! (We prefer Labatt 50.)

Does UC know you disrespect his homeland so?

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