Malhotra VS Gayzilla

Ore : 3:06 PM

Mothra, devout Christian and rampaging mutant beast, seen here leaving the courthouse in flames.

"Radioactive monster Mothra went to court last month for the right to be intolerant. Mothra says her Christian faith compels her to kill Godzilla and wreak havoc on the city of Tokyo. But the Georgia Institute of Technology, where she's a senior, bans speech that puts down others because of their monsterism and friendliness towards humans. Mothra sees that as an unacceptable infringement on her right to religious expression. So she's
demanding that Georgia Tech revoke its tolerance policy."

posted by teh l4m3 at 3:06 PM | Permalink |

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Comments for Malhotra VS Gayzilla
That's not a real picture.

Remember the height of the PC Panic, when conservatives tut-tutted and lectured campus liberals that they didn't have a right not to be offended? When exactly did they flip-flop on that one?

If she wants to gay bash, I'm sure Liberty University has a major in that these days.

As near as I can tell, she is fighting for my right to run up to her and poop on her head, because my religion requires I do that to all the fobagz out there.

Now she's got the Rev. Scarborough sticking his beak in. This should get even dumber before long.

From the article:

"He asserts that antidiscrimination policies regarding homosexuality are different because they protect people based on conduct. "

so, does this mean that people are only retarded because they ACT retarded? I just looking 'like a retard' enough?

Does this make retard jokes PC again?

Oh geez. I shouldn't have read that before bed. Now I'm pissed.

pop: almost, but she's not quite that twisted...

otto: right around the time that the balance of power tipped in their favor, and they had to resort to ever more shrill expressions of their persecution complexes.

chuckles: i for one respect your religious beliefs.

ron: is that possible?

md: exactly. by his definition, I'm not a homo because I'm attracted to other men, but because I act on that attraction. they truly see the world in a fundamentally different way.

smarty: sorry. take some of madamerouge's pills. one of those bad boys is sure to put you to sleep...

all: it's enough to make one wish for a coliseum full of lions...

as long as MR is passing out pills, GIVE me SOME!

md: exactly. by his definition, I'm not a homo because I'm attracted to other men, but because I act on that attraction. they truly see the world in a fundamentally different way.

You know, teh, you can have a lot of fun with people who try to use this line of argumentation.....

Just point out that you agree with them entirely, and that this means that they aren't heterosexual at all, except for whenever they happen to be short-hairs deep in the glory that lies between a woman's thighs.

After all, nothing makes a homophobic straight man feel better about himself than questioning his heterosexuality.

I've done it, and choking look of purple rage that washes over them when they realize you've turned their own words back around on them is pretty yummy.
  • Posted at 7:47 AM | By Anonymous Anonymous

Right on, Jillian.

re: pillz - um, lately I've been having luck with chamomile tea. And mass-ter-bait-shun.

I really hope this insanity doesn't spread north or east out of Alberta.

It's unbelievable.

"by his definition, I'm not a homo because I'm attracted to other men, but because I act on that attraction. they truly see the world in a fundamentally different way"

This is the same ridiculous definition given by many other intolerant church-types here all over. There is a church here that says it has a program to "cure homosexuality" and they accept this definition. They teach that as long as you aren't acting on your gay thoughts, you're cured!

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