Goddamnit II (may she rest in peace).

I had a dream... That I was at one of John Bolton's swinging sex parties at Plato's Retreat. There I saw, among many other atrocities, John Derbyshire taking K-Lo from behind; the impression was not unlike watching a toothless blondhound tackle a dumptruck cobbled together from chicken wings.
One of those nightmares where you're horrified, but you wake up laughing.
Choosy nongs choose skiffy: on BSG tonight: the dark side of capitalism among interstellar refugees. Let's hope Jonah doesn't catch the vapors, and that he has yet another one to tally as a "win" in the Right's column.
UPDATE: Tonight's BSG was, in fact (and this was its only purpose in its entirety) a blatantly Leftist argument for government regulation of business. Clearly the makers of this show want the terrorists to win.
Commenter of the Year: Oh, you're all my favorites. You couldn't ask me to pick!
Well, you could, but I can tell you to stuff it. 'Cos it's my blog, see?
Movie of the Year: Trapped In The Closet. But I would like it -- I also enjoy urinating on underage girls.
Smell of the Year: The way the plastic casing of a brand-new Brother copy machine/printer/scanner smells when it first comes out of the box.
Grooming Product of the Year: Crest Cinnamon Rush toothpaste.
Journalist of the Year: Tie between Sy Hersh and Christiane Amanpour.
Journamalist of the Year: Tweety.
Blogger of the Year: Jane Hamsher. Bitch.
Defining Quote of the Year: "And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them." ~ Agrippina Bush
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